I We have a wide range of health and fitness services that will suit any lifestyle that you may lead. Our experienced and educated trainers will prepare nutritional plans, workout plans and motivational plans specially tailored for YOU.
Our personal training is passionate, professional and one of a kind. We take the word PERSONAL seriously when it comes to our one on one training. Each trainer will build a professional yet friendly rapport and relationship with their clients as well as help tailor workouts that are conducive to their clients' abilities and fitness level. Our one on one training sessions range from 30, 45 and 60 minutes in length.
Semi private personal training is basically multiple clients being trained at the same time. Each client is doing their own personalized workout, but our trainers are managing the session and guiding each client through their own workout. It’s not done by having a WOD (workout of the day). This is PERSONAL training. There’s nothing personal about a WOD and that is what separates a Chalk Strength & Wellness personal trainer from all the rest.
Our group classes are fun, energetic and challenging. Our trainers instruct and participate in the classes at the same time. We have group classes that offer cardio kickboxing, yoga, high intensity interval and many others. The classes are affordable and convenient, you will be encouraged by our trainers to challenge yourself but continue to be safe and work at your own pace.
Our certified personal trainers can design an online training program specifically for YOU based on your individual profile (including age, exercise history, fitness level, goals, available equipment, schedule availability, medical history, etc.). To save time, many diet or fitness programs are based on a general, one-size-fits-all approach and use computer-generated programs. But, most exercisers are more successful at reaching their goals when using a program that is designed just for them. We utilize the extensive profile you provide to develop your customized program so that you are always doing exercises that are just right for YOU. We design programs for all fitness levels, for working out anywhere (home, gym, or on the road), and for use with a variety of exercise equipment or even no equipment at all.
Diet plans depend on your diet goals. Following a diet plan from our personal trainers will provide you with specific dietary needs as they relate to fitness goals. A diet plan incorporates nutrition and fitness goals through food, beverages and, sometimes, supplements. It is best to gain your essential nutrients and vitamins through your diet. The plans are created to help you reach whatever desired goals you may have whether it is to lose weight, gain muscle, boost your energy etc, our trainers are here to coach you along the way to fitness success. When a client feels less motivated physically, mentally or emotional our trainers help you, if you are willing to let us, give you that esteem boost that we all need sometimes. Our trainers have information and techniques that will help you get back on the wagon. Positive breeds positive and we are to extend our positive spirits onto you when you need it most.